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Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
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Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence

Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence is a scientific journal on automation and computer science jointly sponsored by the China Association of Automation (CAA) and National Research Center for Intelligent Computing System. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence started in 1989.For the propose of promoting development of information science, we publish articles in the field of Partten Recognition and Artificial Intelligence in this journal.The scope of Journal covers all important subjects related to pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, intelligent control and intelligent system.

The Journal has been supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China and Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China for excellence .It is the only journal that specializes in pattern recognition and artificial intelligence. This Journal has been included by Engineering Index (EI) Page One Database since 1995,and has been indexed by several major scientific retrieval journals in China. The impact factor of this Journal has been in front rank of its kind in recent years, and has great influence on Artificial Intelligence Science in China. We got in touch with IEEE CS of America through CAA in 1995 and will make the Journal an international one in the near future.

The Journal is intended to serve for scientist, engineers, technicians who are engaged in this field, as well as teachers and students of related areas from colleges and universities.

Editorial Committee:

Editor-in-chief : Dai Ruwei
Director of the Editorial Board Office: Pang Yisheng 

International Standard Series Numbering (ISSN):1003-6059

Distribution Number Aboard:4890Q

Postal Distribution Number at Home:26-29

Domestic Unified Series Numbering:CN34-1089/TP

Address of Editorial Board Office:P. O. Box 1130, Hefei, 230031,Anhui,China

Tel:86-551-5591176 Fax: 86-551-5591176



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