Research News
EAST 3-shifts International Joint Experiment Gains Traction
Date: 2021/07/30 Author: XING Yuanli

It’s July again. EAST superconducting tokamak in ASIPP, HFIPS started its annually joint experiments together with worldwide participants from PPPL, MIT, DIII-D, ITER, GA, NIFS, etc.

As an open and sharing platform, EAST runs three-shifts on Asia, EU and American time zones, providing more opportunities for its collaborators at home and abroad.

The EAST team has been working with their collaborators at home and abroad over the past decade to solve a series of key technical and physical issues related to the steady state operation. In-depth scientific research on integrated operation scenarios has been carried out.

"Open to share, fusion for future". With over 120 fusion research collaborating institutes around the world, EAST holds its core value of openness by a global calling for experimental proposals each year since its completion in 2006. Characterized by three distinctive features including non-circular cross-section, fully superconducting magnets, fully water cooled plasma facing components, EAST is capable of the exploration of advanced steady-state plasma operation. There are total 135 EAST proposals in 2021, including 28% of international proposals, which mainly are from the scientists in USA, France, Japan, Korea, Italy, Germany, and Denmark. As an open platform, EAST holds the international joint experiment annually, aiming to establish an international communication platform, to promote the fusion research.

They look forward to working with international collaborators to achieve exciting results on EAST. Join them at: http://east2.hfsxw.cn/

Every Monday, EAST Chief Operator presents the weekly plan for the EAST experiments (Image by EAST Team)

Considering the world pandemic situation, all the joint experiments have been done remotely. (Image by EAST Team)

At the EAST control room, scientists are working together with the foreign partners (Image by EAST Team)


ZHAO Weiwei
Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (http://english.hf.cas.cn/)
Email: annyzhao@ipp.ac.cn

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