WM1 Sets a New World Record in CHMFL
Date:2015.06.23 | Author:X. Huang |
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WM1, a water cooling resistive magnet in High Magnetic Field Laboratory of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHMFL), set a new world record on June 16th. The magnet with a 32mm working bore generated a steady magnetic field of 38.52 Tesla at 37960.2-A direct current.
The previous world record of 37.5 Tesla was set by a magnet with a 32mm working bore at the Radboud University High Field Magnet Laboratory in Nijimegen, Netherlands on 31 March, 2014.
WM1 can be coupled with the Ultra Low Temperature Experiment System in CHMFL for researchers to carry out transport measurement and such strong magnetic fields will provide important opportunities for scientific research in China. 
WM1. |