“International Workshop on Monte Carlo Simulation Technology and Application in Nuclear System”(MCTANS), organized by Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology (INEST), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)·FDS Team and Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety, CAS, was held in Scientific Island, Hefei, China from 3rd to 4th Nov., 2015. Over 50 experts and scholars from more than 10 institutions in United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Portugal, South Korea, Japan, China, participated in the workshop.
MCTANS was the first high-level international workshop on Monte Carlo (MC) simulation technology and application in nuclear system, which was held by Chinese institution. The workshop was chaired by Prof. WU Yican, the Director of INEST·FDS Team, Prof. Mohamed Abdou, the fellow of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World, Dr. Michael Loughlin, the Coordinator of Nuclear Shielding & Analysis in the Organization of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), Dr. SHEN Wei, the expert of reactor physics from Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. MCTANS attracted the representatives from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST), Portugal, Kobe University, Japan, Seoul National University, Korea, China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group, China National Nuclear Corporation, China State Power Investment Cooperation, China Shipbuilding Industry Cooperation, and so on.
The main topics discussed in the workshop included advanced technologies of Monte Carlo simulation and the corresponding challenge requirements in nuclear systems. There was also a special session for consulting and discussion about the development and application achievement, and future growth of the Super Monte Carlo Simulation Program for Nuclear and Radiation Process (SuperMC), which was self-developed by FDS team with complete independent intellectual property right. The invited experts including Dr. Pedro Vaz, the previous administrator in the OECD/NEA Data Bank, overviewed the development history and the future trend of the Monte Carlo Simulation program and latest research achievements of the world famous Monte Carlo programs including Geant4, McCARD and SuperMC, reported the Monte Carlo simulation application status and future challenges for ITER and HPR1000, which is the first self-reliance generation III commercial nuclear power plant with advanced million kilowatt pressurized water reactor nuclear power technology, and had a heated discussion about the key issues on the future development of the corresponding area. The international experts highly praised SuperMC on the capability of the precise simulation of the problems with complicated geometries, high calculation speed, nice user friendliness, systematic software verification and validation, and its international large-scale applications in 50 nations and 23 major nuclear facilities. At the same time, they also recommended a plenty of important and prospective comments about the key technology and future development of Monte Carlo simulation as well as SuperMC.

Group photo(Imaged by HUO Qianchao)