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Scientists from ISSP visited NIMS,Japan
    Date:2010.10.21      |    Author:Lin      |     Clicks:     |     Print     |     Close     |     Text Size: A A A

Dr. LI Guanghai from the Institute of Solid State Physics (ISSP) was invited to visit National Institute of Materials Science,Japan (NIMS) and presented a seminar on September 30th-October 8th. The two sides signed a Memorandum of Understanding on low-dimensional materials and devices, and agreed to strengthen the exchange of researchers and graduate students, and cooperate on research grant application.

In addition, LI Guanghai was also invited to visit Department of Nanoscale Systems and Department of Environmental Technology Research of the Japanese Industrial Technology Research Institute. He presented a seminar, and had extensive discussion and idea exchange with japanese scientists on the application of nano-materials in the field of environment and energy.

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