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Dr. CHEN Xiaojia Appointed as ISSP Distinguished Research Fellow
    Date:2011.04.12      |    Author:      |     Clicks:     |     Print     |     Close     |     Text Size: A A A
Recently,An appointment Ceremony of Distinguished Research Fellow for Dr. CHEN Xiaojia from Carnegie Institution of Washington (CIW)), US was held at Institute of Solid State Physics(ISSP).
CHEN Xiaojia works in condensed matter physics. His research is focused on magnetism and superconductivity of materials under high pressure. Currently, he is coordinating the Spallation Neutrons and Pressure (SNAP) project – the exciting new high-pressure neutron science at the Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
 Dr. CAI Weiping, director of ISSP and Dr. CHEN Signed an cooperation agreement.
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