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Neutronics Expert Dr. Ulrich Fischer Delivers the 15th Phoenix Science and Technology Lecture
    Date:2015.09.24      |    Author:FU Juan      |     Clicks:     |     Print     |     Close     |     Text Size: A A A

On September 22, 2015, Neutronics expert Dr. Ulrich Fischer, who is the deputy director of Institute for Neutron Physics and Reactor Technology in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), visits the Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences ? FDS Team and gives an interesting lecture at “Phoenix Science and Technology Lecture Forum”. He introduces the research in Fusion Technology and Neutronics at KIT and shares his precious expertise with FDS members.

Dr. Ulrich Fischer has 35 years broad and long-standing expertise in the field of neutronics, nuclear data, and computational methods and tools. He is the leader of European Consortium on Nuclear Data Development and Analysis project and co-ordinator of all neutronics works within the PPPT (Power Plant Physics and Technology) programme of Europe fusion organization and the previous EFDA (European Fusion Development Agreement). He is also the German representative to the International Nuclear Data Committee (INDC) of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and chairman of the Fusion Working Group of the JEFF (Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion File) project of Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA).

After the investigation of neutronics research works and experimental platforms at FDS Team, Dr. Ulrich Fischer highly appraises the FDS team for the impressive progress in Neutronics simulation methods, codes development, experimental facilities construction, etc. He expresses his intensive interest to apply the Monte Carlo code SuperMC which was developed by FDS team, in the design and analyses of European fusion demonstration reactor and testing blanket modules. He is also looking forward to perform experiments at the high intensity of deuterium tritium neutron generator HINEG, designed and constructed by FDS team.

Dr. Ulrich Fischer is giving an interesting lecture ( Imaged by HUO Qianchao, WANG Wei)

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