On Oct. 24, 2015, Prof. Enrico ZIO from Politecnico di Milano, director of the Chair in Complex Systems and the Energetic Challenge of the European Foundation for New Energy of Electricite’ de France (EDF) at Ecole Centrale Paris and Supelec, visited the Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences·?FDS Team and??gave an interesting lecture at 17th "Phoenix Science and Technology Lecture Forum" on the theme of “Advanced topics in Reliability and Safety Research on Nuclear Systems”.
Nuclear safety is the lifeline of the development of nuclear energy, and the research on system reliability and Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) is one of the most important work. Prof. Enrico ZIO introduced some advanced methods in the fields of Reliability & Availability, Maintenance & PHM and Risk & Vulnerability and carried out an in-depth interactive communication with the young researchers.
Prof. Enrico ZIO is an outstanding expert in the area of reliability and safety, member of the scientific committee of the Accidental Risks Department of the French National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks, associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Reliability, editorial board of several International Journals. Prof. Enrico ZIO praised the Reliability and Probabilistic Safety Assessment Program RiskA independently developed by FDS Team. The communication lays the?foundation for the cooperation with each other in the area of reliability and safety.

Prof. Enrico ZIO was giving lecture(Image by PAN Xiaolei)