On October 27th, Professors Erio Tosatti, from the International School for Advanced Studies (Italian: Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, SISSA), Italy, visited the Institute of Solid States of Physics,CAS and gave a talk entitled “New physics at ultrahigh pressure, and temperatures”.
In his talk, Prof. Erio Tosatti systematically introduced his works about the simulations of material properties under high pressure based on the first-principles method. After the talk, he visited the high pressure system of the Center for Energy Matter in Extreme Environments, ISSP. During lunch time, 11 researchers from the Research Laboratory of Computational Material Sciences, ISSP discussed their recent progress with him.
Erio Tosatti is a leading condensed matter physicist. He is a Fellow and life member of the American Physical Society and has held positions in scientific committees of renowned institutions. He has published around 500 articles and review articles in journals and books, with nearly 18,500 total citations (Google Scholar Citations). His current research interests lie in the fields of Theory of Nanofriction, Mott Insulating and Superconducting States of Fullerides and Organics, Theory of Metallic and Magnetic Nanocontacts, Strong Electron Correlations at Surfaces, Physics of Ultra-High Pressures, Quantum Effects near Ferroelectric and Structural Phase Transitions.

Prof. ErioTosatti in the talk (Image by WANG Xianlong)