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Dr LIU Xianjie from Linkoping University Visits CHMFL
    Date:2016.01.20      |    Author:ZHANG Fapei      |     Clicks:     |     Print     |     Close     |     Text Size: A A A

Dr. LIU Xianjie from Surface Physics and Chemistry Group, Linköping University (LIM), Sweden visited the High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHMFL) on Jan. 12. During his visit, he gave a presentation entitled “Interface properties in organic photovoltaics”.

Understanding electronic properties of the organic/organic and organic/electrode interfaces especially those formed via “real” device fabrication, is of great importance to improve the energy conversion efficiency of organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices. Dr LIU presented an overview on the integer charge transfer (ICT) model, which describes such “real” interfaces. He focused his talk on how to estimate and choose the donor/acceptor materials to reach the minimal loss of the open circuit voltage in OPV based on the ICT model. Dr LIU also presented their latest research results on electronic properties of the molecular-doped conjugated polymer/electrode interfaces, as well as on interfacial engineering utilizing the polyelectrolytes

During his visit, Dr LIU had a site tour of the CHMFL facilities and was very impressed. He expressed his enthusiasm for future collaborations.

Dr. LIU obtained his Ph.D. degree in physics from Leibniz IFW-Dresden/Technical University of Dresden in Oct. 2003. Then he spent several years in Austria and US to do postdoctoral research. In 2011, he joined IFM as a research staff associate. Dr. LIU is an expert on electronic spectroscopy (photoemission and EELS) and scanning probe micro-spectroscopy. His current interests cover electronic properties of the organic/electrode interfaces and nano-carbons (nanotubes/nano-diamond), as well as synthesis and applications of nano-carbon materials.

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