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Materials Physics and Nanotechnology

The current research activities are aimed on developing advanced functional materials with novel properties for prospect high-tech applications, such as nano-materials for pollution monitoring and environmental recovering,. High TC superconductors and oxide magnetic materials, oxides for fuel cells and sodium sulfide batteries, ultra-light porous metals, novel semiconductors, and softer matters. As a tradition and novelty of Institute of Solid State Physics, various internal friction technologies have been developed to study behaviors of defects in different materials and behaviors of soft matters. In order to understand the physics behind observed properties, a strong team of computational physics has been established for more than two decades to develop unique computational techniques for strong correlated systems as well as nano-systems.

In the past two decades, considerable efforts had been made to develop this research division as a center for condensed matter physics. As the results of the efforts, large amount of achievements both in fundamental science and high-tech applications have been obtained. The representative achievements are:
1) Study on the fabrication of one-dimensional nanowires and their ordered arrays, which was awarded the 2nd prize of the National Nature Science.
2) The study of spintronic materials of transitional metal oxides, which was awarded the 1st prize of the science and technology by Anhui province in 2007.
3) Multi-scale computational methods.
4) Theoretical methods for strong-correlated electronic systems.
5) High power and high speed switching Schottky diodes with breakdown voltages higher than 1600 V and reverse recovery time smaller than 20 ns, which can properly work in a temperature range from 4 to 800 K.
6) Cobalt-base amorphous alloys for weak magnetic field change detections (0.1 nT change can be resolved).

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Email: linzh@hfcas.ac.cn Tel: 0551-65591206 Fax: 0551-65591270