High temperature plasma physics and nuclear fusion research is the main research field of ASIPP, aiming at the peaceful use of fusion energy. HT-6M, HT-7 and EAST tokamaks have been built during the past 30 years and many experimental results have been obtained. Along with constructing tokamak devices and conducting plasma physics researches, ASIPP has developed diagnostic system, power supply system, microwave heating system, cryogenic system, vacuum system, data acquisition and processing system. Meanwhile, equipments and technologies have also developed for the design and manufacture of electro-physical facilities.

The construction of superconducting tokamak HT-7 was completed in May 1994, based on Russian device T-7 which was rebuilt and modified by ASIPP. The engineering tests of HT-7 were completed in December 1994. The first plasma was obtained in 1995. The mission of the device is to study the characteristics of high temperature plasma under steady-state condition and the technologies for tokamak steady-state operation. High temperature plasma with duration of 400S had been achieved. |
The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak(EAST) project was approved by the National Development and Reform Commission in July 1998. Construction started in October, 2000; Assembly finished at the end of 2005; Commissioning was completed in March 2006, and the first plasma was obtained at the end of September 2006. In March 2007, EAST project was affirmed successfully completed and operated by the National Development and Reform Commission. Its design, R&D, construction and assembly have been done mainly by scientists, engineers and technicians in the ASIPP.
EAST is a tokamak with superconductive toroidal field magnets and superconductive poloidal field magnets. EAST has a D-shape cross-section. It will explore some frontier physical issues concerned with the tokamak fusion reactor. The construction and operations of the EAST device will definitely provide rich physical and technical experiences and |

databases, which with ones accumulated in the other devices in the world establishes bases for building a steady-state, safe and economical efficient fusion reactor in the future. |
Jointly developed by the People’s Republic of China, the European Union, India, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, and the United States of America, ITER is one of the largest international scientific and technical collaboration projects. ITER, in a scale close to that of a future commercial reactor, is the key experimental step from today’s studies of plasma physics to tomorrow’s electricity-producing fusion power plants. It will be used to establish the scientific and technical basis for the future fusion energy demonstration reactor and to elucidate and resolve the key issues for commercial reactors. As the first Tokamak machine with both all super conducting magnets and actively cooled in-vessel components allowing steady state operation, the features of its design make EAST directly relevant to the development of fusion energy systems and ITER as it will be capable of addressing key steady state physics and technology issues e. g. material and plasma interaction, current drive, plasma control, and advanced tokamak operation.