HFIPS Bionics Micro Aerocraft Project Wins Highest Prize in a National Innovation Competition for Disruptive Technology

Feb 28, 2023 | By ZHOU Shu


A great news of HFIPS winning the highest prize was heard from the grand final of a National Innovation Competition for Disruptive Technology that was held by Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China (MOST) from February 21 to February 24 in Hangzhou, Southeast China.

"We were thrilled to hear the final result," Professor CHEN Chilai who leads the winning team and also an expert of intelligentized microsystem with Institute of Intelligent Machines (IIM) recalled the exciting moment at the final announcement, "it wasn’t easy. It was a result of an over-twenty-year effort," added Chen.

Chen and his team do so. The center for Biomimetic within IIM where Chen and his colleagues are based has been dedicated to integrating bionics, artificial intelligence, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) with advanced manufacturing to find basic and disruptive solutions for challenges in an originally innovative way.

The entry they took to participate in the competition is a complete display of their long-term expertise in biomimetic structure design, biomimetic behavior learning and control, MEMS precision manufacturing, cross-scale lightweight integration and so on.

The credit for the highest prize goes to, accordingly, the value assigned by disruptive technology the team developed in intelligentized microsystem, like microdrones, bionic robots, microrobots.

National Innovation Competition for Disruptive Technology is a grand competition at national level for recognition of so-called “rule changer” technology that is considered disruptive, original and frontier-oriental.

The competition, starting in last July, was the second and involved 2851 projects for registration among which only 157 had raced into the grand final. And after two rounds of voting, 74 projects among the 157 won the highest prize. Chen’s project was the only one for Anhui area through open-picking and got the highest standing with unanimous vote.

Opening Ceremongy of the grand final of a National Innovation Competition for Disruptive Technology. (Image provided by the team) 

The group photo of the team. (Image Provided by the team)

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