Summer Solstice

Jul 01, 2024 | By ZHAO Weiwei; image by Nieyuman

In Du Fu's peom, he described the Summer Solstice in his poem, "A Summer Day's Peace" :

In the fragrance of rice flowers, we speak of abundant years, listening to the chorus of frogs.
Seven or eight stars beyond the sky, two or three drops of rain before the mountains.
In old times, by the village near the woods, the path turns and a stream bridge suddenly appears.

As the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, graces us with its presence, we find ourselves immersed in the warmth and vitality that this season brings.

The Summer Solstice, or "Xiàzhì" (夏至) in Chinese, marks a significant point in the Chinese lunar calendar and has been celebrated with great reverence through the ages. This year's celebration draws inspiration from the timeless words of ancient Chinese poets who beautifully captured the essence of this auspicious day.

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