Sep 10, 2021 | By ZHAO Weiwei

Today is national teachers’ day.

No matter where we are in life, a teacher influenced us.

HFIPS is where the Science Island Branch of Graduate School, USTC located. It offers program including Physics, Chemistry, Life Science, Engineering Science, information technology, etc. for graduated students. All the graduates and PhD students will have a lab research work at HFIPS from the second year after a one-year study of general and basic course at USTC. After gaining all the credits and meeting requirements, the students will earn degree from the USTC.

Now, HFIPS has a group of 469 HFIPSers being supervisors in 38 master and doctor programs to guide students at the early research carrer. They are scientists, and teachers too.

Happy teachers’ day to them all!


ZHAO Weiwei
Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (http://english.hf.cas.cn/)
Email: annyzhao@ipp.ac.cn

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