The Hefei Institutes of Physical Science is planning to build an Artificial Intelligence Breeding Accelerator to speed up crop research and breeding, which was announced at Forum for Green and Smart Agriculture held today on Science Island where the HFIPS is based.
With one smart breeding central system and four intelligent accelerating lines, the facility will be operational as a comprehensive and standard testbench for germplasm resource creation, germplasm resource identification, generation service and plant stress, which is expected to shorten crop’s generation time and then to improve breeding and research programmes.
In addition to its role as a large testbed for crop development, the facility holds the potential as a driving force for cross-disciplinary innovation in Sci-tech of crop breeding.
Thanks to its dual potential benefit to both sci-tech development and agricultural industry, the speed breeding plan got the attention from sci-tech community and local government as dozens of experts and local officers attended the forum in which ZHANG Jiabao who is member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and also a respected expert in soil research was employed as academic director of the Institute of Intelligent Machines, HFIPS.