When HU Hao, a 26 years old PhD student majoring on biophysics, put on the caps and gowns, and is ready for the graduation ceremony, he knew it’s time to say goodbye to campus and embark on the next phase of journey.
Recently, the research team led by prof. KONG Lingtao at Institute of Solid State Physics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science successfully prepared a type of hollow amorphous Co/C composites for activating H2O2 to generate singlet oxygen, achieving selective elimination of oxytetracycline (OTC) in complicated water matrices. The relevant results was published in Chemical Engineering Journal.
The Mid-infrared lasers (MIR) with high peak power and high repetition rate operating in the range of 2.7~3 μm have important application in laser surgery and optical parametric oscillator (OPO).
Here comes the hotness from HFIPS’s second international typical event “once HFIPSer, always HFIPSer”. The Hefei Institutes of Physical Science held its second international typical event “once HFIPSer, always HFIPSer” by preparing the international students and postdoctoral researchers a “horsdoeuvre” of Ghanaian, Sudanese and Chinese cultures.
The International Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation & Excitation by Lasers in Liquids 2021 (ANGEL2021) was successfully held on June 16-18, 2021 in Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS), Hefei, China.