Small Things Bring Big Science-an Interview with FANG Ming

May 27, 2021 | By ZHOU Shu

CAS embraces its big scientific public outreach each May. They call it the CAS Science Week. It means at a certain weekend in May, every CAS institute launches its brand public outreach campaign in different ways to show and tell the public what is science and how science changes our lives. We have the volunteer team in HFIPS telling the story of science island. Here we have FANG Ming from The High Magnetic Field Laboratory (CHMFL), HFIPS to tell us more...

This is the third of an every-two-day series in two weeks.

Name: FANG Ming

Position: Engineer from The High Magnetic Field Laboratory

 "My journey of scientific popularization started with a competition in 2019 and it continues with my passion about it.”

1. Could you please describe your job at CHMFL?
I work on operation and maintaining of deionized water cooling system and also on developing controlling system for Helium cryogenic system.

2. When did you join the scientific popularization? How did you make this decision?
The story started nearly twenty years ago when I met my math teacher at the fourth year of my primary school. He was excellent in teaching and he inspired me. More than ten years later, when I completed my postgraduate course, I visited my primary school and had a great talk with him. At the end of our conversation, he just came up with an idea that since my job as a scientist in a CAS institute why not bring science to our primary school. Actually, I did not put his idea into practice immediately, but those words just like a seed, always came to my mind. Time went by, a half year later, I participated, by accident, a national Science Show competition. It was my first time meeting science public outreach and I just know little about it. After a period of twists and turns, and emotional roller coaster, I finally was placed forth in the national competition.
After the competition, I started my journey on science public outreach.

3. Would you like to share your work routine about science public outreach?
Well, I am just a new in this work. There is a large space for me to improve. So far, I take a part in leading the public-oriented lab tour to display the visitors what is the Steady High Magnetic Field, what the facility can do for science. Also, I participate big scientific popularization programs of our island, like Science Week, National Science Day to prepare and display some courses and some kids-oriented room experiments.

4. What does the Science Public Outreach mean to you?
It means something new but exciting to me. I really like it. I can see, I can hear, I can feel the curiosity of the kids about unknown thing. I like the feeling of passing knowledge to others. I work on the Steady High Magnetic Field Facility, so I know the facility well. Sharing something I am passionate about to others is what I really like. If I use one word to describe what science public outreach brings to me, I think it goes to “fulfillment”. Yes, I feel fulfilled and realized when I share knowledge about the facility that I spend most of my time working with. And I also feel fulfilled when I see the light in the kids eyes, feel their passion about knowledge from their laughter.


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