The 9th international advisory committee meeting of EAST started on Oct.20 and continued to 22th. This visual meeting included 19 IAC members from more than 6 countries such as USA, EU, Russia, Japan and scientists from ISSP who have been conducting experiment on EAST.
Postgraduate students, including students from HFIPS and University of Science and Technology (USTC), were gathering on Science Isalnd for a weekend social club on Oct. 24.
A various actitivies were carried out as part of HFIPS training for 2021 new employees. The purpose is to promote the team spirit and communication, which are two important factors in workplace.
Science Island embraced over 40 international students from universities in Hefei, including University of Science and Technology (USTC), Anhui University, Hefei University of Technology, Anhui Agricultural university and Anhui Medical University, visited Science Island Last Friday on Oct.22.
More ASIPP scientists and engineers are working on site of ITER now. On October 4th, 10 technicians from ASIPP joined 9 engineers who arrived earlier in France. Now the two groups are working on the ITER coil, feeder components and joint assembly, measurement and certification work.