Anhui government presented Becoulet Alain Jacques from Hefei Institute of Physical Science (HFIPS) with Mount. Yellow Award for his outstanding contribution in the nuclear fusion energy field between China and France. "I am very happy to have this reward,” said BECOULET Alain Jacques, the former president of The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission or CEA
It’s a moment worth celebrating! The sixth poloidal field superconducting coil (or PF6 coil), the heaviest of all six superconducting magnet coils of ITER (short for International Thermonuclear Fusion Experimental Reactor) project, successfully sits at the bottom of the tokamak pit in ITER site in France, under the supervision of Fusion for Energy, witnessing another international collaboration moment.
Recently, professor ZHANG Yongsheng, from the Department of Computational Physics and Quantum Materials, Institute of Solid State Physics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, made important progress in the research of defect behaviors at the interface of XTe (X=Ca, Sr, Ba) nanostructured PbTe.
With the development of livestock husbandry, a large amount of copper (Cu) and arsenic (As) ions are being released into water and soil with swine urine, because Cu(II) and As(III) are commonly added into fodder to promote the growth of swine. Cu and As ions are easily absorbed by crops, and then accumulate in human body when the crops are consumed, resulting in severely harmful effects on health. This is one of the key issues that limit the sustainable development of livestock husbandry and agriculture. Therefore, it is imperative to develop a new technology to remediate Cu/As-contaminated water, soil, and swine urine.
The Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) aims to improve regional and global capacity in science and technology, to improve human livelihoods and wellbeing, and to promote broader S&T cooperation and communication in the region and world. In line with these objectives, ANSO set up its visiting fellowship program (hereafter referred to as the Fellowship). The Fellowship provides scholars worldwide an opportunity to access high-impact & high-quality mega-science facilities in China and to address scientific problems of common interests for both the academia and the society.