As the 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games is approaching, to secure the water quality of Guanting Reservoir, one of the water resources of the Games, has become an urgent.
Prof. WANG Junfeng from High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, together with some international scholars, developed a novel circular permutated LOV2 recently, for expanding the repertoire of genetically encoded photoswitches, which will accelerate the design of novel optogenetic devices. This result was published in Nature Chemical Biology.
The polar vortex is a large area of upper-atmosphere cyclonic air circulation surrounding both poles. It is bounded by the polar jet stream and its associated cold air is usually confined to the polar regions. Within the Antarctic circle, and southern polar vortex, ozone quantities are the lowest, globally. A research published in Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, led by Dr. Yuhan Luo, corresponding author and Associate Professor at the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS), suggests that the polar vortex plays a key role in Antarctic stratospheric ozone depletion.
The Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS), also well known by the local community as the Science Island, was selected to National Base for Sci-Tech Popularization as a recognition for its outstanding performance in increasing public scientific engagement and understanding.
Recently, Environmental Disaster Mitigation II 01 Group A and B satellites are listed in the “Top Ten Events in China's Remote Sensing Field in 2020”, for the contribution on improving the capabilities of ecological environment monitoring and disaster prevention and reduction.