Recently, the research group led by Prof. LIU Changsong from Institute of Solid State Physics (ISSP), Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) developed a set of software for simulating the evolution of displacement damage in polycrystalline metals at across time and space scales, which was named object kinetic Monte Carlo-lattice kinetic Monte Carlo (OKMC-LKMC) hybridization simulation software.
Recently, the research group of Prof. HUANG Qing, from Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), made research progress on red light promoted photoautotrophic growth of Haematococcus pluvialis (H. pluvialis) and the related carbon fixation mechanism.
Recently, a research group at Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) analyzed the distribution characteristics of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and bromine monoxide (BrO) from the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha'apai (HTHH) eruption, using the observation data from EMI-02, a self-developed satellite-based atmospheric trace gas differential absorption spectrometer.
Recently, Professor WU Dayu of Changzhou University, the user of China's Steady High Magnetic Field Facility (SHMFF), Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), together with his collaborators proposed a facile mechanical strategy to optimize the electronic structures of the catalytic center by mechanically induced spin transition, and realized a new method for designing efficient biomimetic catalysts.
Organic peroxy radicals (RO2) are important intermediates in the degradation of atmospheric volatile organic compounds (VOCs). RO2 not only participates in the chain cycles of atmospheric radicals and influences oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere, but also controls the formation of secondary pollutants.