Great news! HFIPS’s fusion scientist WAN Baonian, former director of the Institute of Plasma Physics, HFIPS, now as its chief scientist, was elected to membership in the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) as the CAS officially released this morning its 2021 new-elected members.
Terahertz (THz, 1011~1013 Hz) related technology, due to its superior spectral performance, possesses wide application potential in communication, security, sensing fields and so on. Its engineering applications highly depend on a variety of THz components.
In the official announcement of 2020 State Sci-Tech Awards earlier last week, Hefei Insitutes of Physical Sciences (HFIPS) was happy to know it as one of the winners in Technical Invention category.
Dr. Alain Bécoulet, a devoted scientist on fusion energy, won the 2020 China International Science and Technology Cooperation Award.
ITER, one of the most ambitious energy projects in the world today, had its the first correction coil BCC/4 lowered into place on Oct.21.